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    Pathway Detail

    Contraceptive Assessment and Development of Contraception Plan

    Previous comments:

    Dawn Wilkinson 2011-12-09 10:37
    I assume the order of this pathway is flexible ie women often present for contraception with a UK MEC 3/4 conditions to GUM / SRH services which then needs liason with their specialist of their UK MEC 3/4 condition



    # Vikki Pearce 2016-01-25 14:44
    should this pathway include the cost of the actual devices? its in at 33/33/33 IUD/IUS/Implant for 20% of women
    # Usha Kumar 2016-03-03 15:08
    Dear Vikki,
    Please refer to amendments made on this slide during previous review in 2012. The cost of contraceptive devices have been deleted as contraception supplied at this visit should be paid as additional SRH standard or standard LARC which was the recommendation for the grouper.Quote:
    This pathway currently is listed under Complex Gynaecology, although we have not included it under our list for 29G (Medical Gynaecology). We would now like this to be included under 29G
    # Pathway Analytics 2016-06-07 12:40
    Implanon - LARC
    IUD - LARC
    IUS Mirena - LARC
    Male Condom
    # Usha Kumar 2016-06-17 15:08
    This should be coded under Complex contraception (SRHAD code 36)
    # Pathway Analytics 2016-10-24 12:16
    [CM]Updated Title
    From Contraceptive Assessment and Development of Contraception Plan
    To: Contraceptive Assessment and Development of Contraception Plan in Women with UK Med 3 or 4 Condition Requiring Specialist Input
    Remove reference to Thyroid and Hormone Profile tests
    Insert Lipid Test, Liver Function Test, Thrombophilia Test
    Blood tests for 5% not 10%
    Insert Followup visit details for 20%

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