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A healthservice provider should have site codes for each site location at which they provide a clinical service.  When a provider service takes on a new location, it is the responsibility of the healthservice provider OC1 contact to request a new site code from NHS Digital, this is the same for 3 sector providers as well as NHS trusts.

A site code includes the organisation’s three character ODS code as a prefix, so that it is clear which organisation the site belongs to.

The NHS Digital details can be found here:

The Sexual Health Tariff Grouper does not specifically require accredited NHS Digital site codes to be used in the Clinic ID field of the Integrated Tariff Dataset, however, it may be helpful if they are used, unless there is a need to identify certain activity within the same clinic seperatley for management or accounting purposes. 

Whatever Clinic ID is used, the clinic adress should be recorded in the My Clinics Section of the Sexual Health Tariff Grouper so that activity associated with patients with no known address (overseas and LSOA Not Known) can be charged to the clinic's host commissioner.

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