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    Pathway Detail

    Management of reactive treponemal serology – Early Infection





    # Michael Brady 2016-06-08 13:02
    Remove CXR
    # Pathway Analytics 2016-06-20 18:14
    [CM]Propose/cha nged approved:
    Remove CXR from slide
    # Pathway Analytics 2017-02-08 15:57

    2.5% Procaine Penicillin G 1.2MU vial x1 daily for 14 extra days after first diagnosis (over 14 visits) £11.15 per 1.2MU vial
    2.5% Steroids 60mg prednisolone once a day for three days

    80% Benzathine penicillin 2.4 MU x1
    £4.51 per vial, one vial used per dose (2017) from RJ

    80% Lidocaine hydrochloride 1% 2ml x3
    10-mL amp = 40p

    20% Doxycycline (100mg capsules) 14 days twice daily
    100 mg, 8-cap pack x 4 (at home use)

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