With the ability to create a local tariff configuration with local pricing, according to local contracting arrangements, there are now multiple tariff configurations available.  Please select the configuration you wish from the list below.

If you would like to setup a local configuration please contact us at enquiries@pathwayanalytics.com and we will take you through the How to Adopt a Local Tariff process.

This page is will shortly be replaced with a new page showing more of the confguration detail: https://secure.pathwayanalytics.com/Contracts/ContractConfigurationsummary.aspx


Back to London ISHT 2017/18 Currencies

Currency:  T2 Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Test

Primary Tariff: £ 44.57    Additional Tariff: £ 28.18
The Primary Tariff rate is charged for the most expsensive currency consumed in a patient visit/episode
The Additional Tariff rate is charged for all other currencies consumed in the same patient episode/visit

Cross-Charged. This Currency will always be charged to the Local Authority in which the patient lives. If the patient is from overseas or offers no known address, the Local Authority hosting the clinic will be charged.



Currency triggers

The following code combinations will trigger this Currency:




The underlying Pathway cost (with a 1.5% deflator) of the following Pathways are used to determine the Tariff rates for the T2 Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Test Currency:





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