Primary Tariff Rate: £
Additional Tariff Rate: £

    Pathway Detail

    Trichomoniasis treatment -standard





    # Pathway Analytics 2017-02-17 15:10
    Change Doctor/N7/N8 to Doctor/N6/N7
    Trichomoniasis - blended treatment cost is:
    95% Metronidazole (400mg) 10 tabs
    5% Tinidazole 500 mg. Net price 16-tab pack = £11.04 2 g initially, followed by 1 g daily or 500 mg twice daily, usually for 5–6 days
    Remove Blended Treatment costs
    Some clinics will use molecular tests rather than microscopy. Review how a molecular test is coded and triggers a payment.
    # Pathway Analytics 2017-05-12 18:06
    Include PNT as a trigger for STI Int A
    Partner notification: Trichomoniasis/ vaginosis/vagin itis/balanitis/ candidosis and this includes the presentation and epidemiological treatment of partners of index cases

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