This table lays out your rights and our obligations in relation to the data we hold


Data Type

Rights & Obligations

Your personal login

& web account data

for paid services

Your personal login

& web account data

for free services

Anonymised data we process on your behalf

GDPR Scope

This data is within the scope of GDPR

This data is within the scope of GDPR

While it remains anonymised, this data is out of scope of GDPR


We are the Controller and Processor

We are the Controller and Processor

We are the Processor

The supplier of the data is the Controller

Lawful basis for processing


Our contract with you requires we process your data


We hold and process your data because you have used your data to register on our website and consented to receive communications from us


We require that you have the relevant lawful basis or consents of the Data Subjects to process their anonymised data through a 3rd party


We will not disseminate your data outside of the paid service

We will not disseminate your data, you may publish material that is publicly associated with your data

We will not disseminate this data outside of the paid service


To meet our contractual obligations to you

To manage and improve our service to you

To deliver a secure web experience

To authenticate you when you interact with the service

To support public health commissioning of health services


We will process your data in the following ways:

Supply you with the services you have purchased

Provide you with billing information

Pursue and undertake our contract with you

Manage the security of our web services

Share your details with other users of the service

Manage the security of our web services

Send you alerts and news you request

Provide an authenticated comments feature

Provide you with access to certain restricted areas of our website

Data validation

Tariff calculation

KPI reporting

Performance analysis


You have a right to be kept informed about how and why we use your data

You have a right to be kept informed about

how and why we use your data

Data Subjects have a right to know their anonymised data is being processed by 3rd parties


You have a right to access your data and be aware of how it is being processed

You have a right to access your data and

be aware of how it is being processed

There is no right of access to anonymised data


You have a right to request data related to you is correct and complete, this is  usually done by self-managed forms you complete

You have a right to request data related

to you is correct and complete, this is

usually done by self-managed forms you complete

Data Controllers are responsible for ensuring the data they supply us is accurate and complete


We need to maintain your data for our audit and compliance purposes

You can request your data is erased, we

will do so within 1 month

There is no right of erasure of anonymised data.

Where data subjects ask data controllers for their data to be erased, anonymised records will be maintained to enable commissioning

Limit Processing

We only process your data in support of the provision of the service you have requested

Limiting the processing of your data will breach our contract and prevent us from delivering the service to you

You can self-service the communications

we send, and the data you share

Data Controllers manage the extent of the data processing the service conducts on their data


We need to maintain your data for our audit and compliance purposes

You can copy your data directly off the service

Data Controllers can extract their data from the service


You have the right to object if you believe your personal data is being processed for:  direct marketing, profiling, scientific or historical

research and statistics

You have the right to object if you believe

you data is being processed for: direct

marketing, profiling,  scientific or historical

research and statistics

Therefore there is no right of objection for anonymised data

Automated Decision Making

We do not make automated decisions that will significantly affect the Data Subject

We do not make automated decisions that will significantly affect the Data Subject

We do not make automated decisions that will significantly affect specific Data Subjects