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    T6 Hepatitis test

    Previous comments:

    Liat Sarner 2011-09-26 12:44
    Hepatitis test - If a patient has a full screen plus hep B cab test then is the payment approx £80 for the T4 plus £60?
    Vikki Pearce 2012-01-18 13:42
    Hi Liat - yes that is correct. Primary payment for the T4 and additional for the T6.
    Dale Coley 2012-10-16 08:55
    On the summary of local codes it states that:
    T5 (HSV) is supplementary to T4
    T6 (Hepatitis) is also supplementary to T4
    What do I use if the test included both HSV and Hepatitis? Or is T6 supplementary to both T4 and T5?
    How should I code HSV / Hepatitis tests only i.e. where no T2, T3, T4 is recorded



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