Primary Tariff Rate: £
Additional Tariff Rate: £

    Pathway Detail

    Smear Test





    # Pathway Analytics 2016-03-01 16:11
    exclude routine screening (ie no other reason) from tariff charge triggers
    # Usha Kumar 2016-06-20 11:53
    Take this out of SRH standard and put it as a separate pathway with a separate currency.
    # Pathway Analytics 2016-06-20 11:55
    Remove this pathway from SRH Std currency
    Remove SRH Care Activity = 11 | Cervical Screening
    SHHAPT = P4 | Cervical cytology done
    SHHAPT = P4A | Cervical cytology minor
    SHHAPT = P4B | Cervical cytology major
    trigger from SRH std Currency
    Create Smear Test Currency
    insert trigger SRH Care Activity = 11 | Cervical Screening
    SHHAPT = P4 | Cervical cytology done
    SHHAPT = P4A | Cervical cytology minor
    SHHAPT = P4B | Cervical cytology major

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