Primary Tariff Rate: £
Additional Tariff Rate: £

    Pathway Detail

    Management of GC (Recalled NAAT Positive)





    # Pathway Analytics 2017-02-15 16:18
    Add in step 2:
    Syringe 10ml Luer Slip Syringe
    Needle x2
    Lidocaine hydrochloride 1% 2ml x2 (3.5ml in total)
    Swab etc
    Sharps box
    A proportion, 70%, would take a sample from three sites (70% are MSM) the remainder would have only a single sample.
    # Pathway Analytics 2017-05-12 17:50
    Include PNG as a trigger for STI Int B
    Partner notification - Gonorrhoea and this includes the presentation and epidemiological treatment of partners of index cases

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