At this stage the Grouper processs collates charges raised for each Commissioner and produces the appropriate backing data and reports.

These reports form the basis of invoicing and charging processes and can be used to reconcile and audit charges raised.


Annual Summary Report - shows a summary for each Provider and Commissioner charged along with Total Tariff Rates for a given calendar year

Detailed Charges - shows a for each Month of Submission a summary for each Curency, Provider (and Clinic) and Commissioner charged along with Total Tariff Rates 

Backing Data - shows each Month of Submission each individual charge raised, the Tariff Rate, the Curency, Provider (and Clinic) and Commissioner charged, Attendance Date, Month of Submission

Provider Report Scope

Providers have access to all charging data for the activity they deliver.

Commissioners Report Scope

Commissioners have access to all charging data for their residents.