Parent Category: Sexual Health
Category: Grouper Process

By Default a Currency will be charged to the patient's Responsible Commissioner.  However, some Currencies are designed not to be cross-charged.

The Tariff Configuration for each Currency includes a option to Always Charge Host (see below).  When this flag is set for a Currency, that Currency will always be charged to the local Host Commissioner of the Clinic that delivered the care no matter who the Responsible Commissioner is.


An episode or visit may trigger multiple Currencies some may be charged to the Host Commissioner and some may be charged to the Responsible Commissioner.

This may cause anomalies where one Commissioner is charged a Currency at the Primary Tariff Rate and the another Commissioner is only charged Currencies at the marginal Additional Tariff Rate in any particular episode or visit, in such cases the one Commissioner evades the non-marginal extra charge included in the Primary Tariff Rate.  

LSOA Not Known

Where the LSOA is reocrded as any of the following:

LSOA Not Known (X99999999)
LSOA Not Applicable (outside the United Kingdom) (X99999998)
LSOA Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man (S99999999, N99999999, L99999999, M99999999 or Z99999999)

Then the grouper will allocate the charge to the Local Host Commissioner of the Clinic delivering the care.  The Host Commissioner of a Clinic is defined by the Clinic Address recorded by the provider for each clinic.  Commissioners can review clinics located within their commissioning boundaries.