Parent Category: Sexual Health
Category: FAQs
Tariff Grouper, MFF, Geo-Weighting,

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When do we apply MFF

We apply the MFF or Geo-weighing TO the base tariff prices we have published here:
The tariff rates we have published on our website do NOT include any MFF/Geo-Weighting, they are the 'raw' tariff rates.  
Charges shown in the Grouper that are associated with a provider, will always have the MFF/Geo-Weighting of the appropriate provider applied to them.  
Any analysis we produce that shows charges from providers or to commissioners will include MFF or Geo-weighing unless we explicitly state otherwise.
The MFF or Geo-weighing applied will be specific to the provider, or clinic and the financial year of the data submission.

How do we apply MFF?

We apply MFF by taking the tariff rate and multipliing it by the MFF.  If a Provider has an MFF of 1.17000, then a Currency such as the London ISHT 2017/18 T2 currency with a published Primary and Additional Tariff Rate of £44.57 and £28.18 would be charged as follows:
Primary Tariff Rate Charged: £44.57 x 1.17 = £52.15
Additional Tariff Rate Charged: £28.18 x 1.17 = £32.97 

How do you know what MFF is to be applied?

MFF rates depend on the provider and the date.  MFFs usually apply for a complete financial year.  Providers and Commissioner can view the MFF applied to their clinics or clinic in their area by looking in the Grouper under My Clinics or Hosted Clinics.  For example a Provider's screenshot is shown below:


MFF can now be applied either at clinic, level individuallly to each of a provider's clinics based on the host commissioner and each commissioner can have a single factor, this approach is usually known as Geo-Weighting. Or MFF can be applied at provider level and applied to globally to all the clinics a provider has no matter where they are located.

Providers can also check the MFF to be appleid to their data when they upload their data into the Grouper in the Submission Detail page, for example here:

Submission Detail

Who Manages MFF? 

MFFs are maintainted and published by NHS Improvement and they can be found here:
Under the link Annex B1: The national prices and national tariff workbook
Look at sheet '12 MFF values' for the values for 2017/18 and 2018/19
Guidance on MFF is available here: 
However, in London, under the London ISHT 2017/18 Sexual Health tariff configuration, MFF has been replaced with a geographic weighting factor applied at the clinic level.  So, no matter where the provider is located, activity charges will have a geo-weighting applied based on the location of the clinic delivering the care.  Most clinics will have a weighting of either 1.17 for outer London or 1.20 for inner London.  Some commissioners have negotiated alternative arrangements with their locally hosted providers.  Some 3rd sector providers have an MFF or geo weighting of 1.00 applied (ie no additional charge), however, this is a legacy arising from the fact that these organisations did not appear in the published list of official MFFs and they do probably warrant the adoption of a geo-weighting or local MFF.
You can view more historical MFFs in this FAQ: Where can I find the Latest MFF?
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