Primary Tariff Rate: £16.25
Additional Tariff Rate: £13.66

Pathway Detail

StepFactorType ResourceUoMUnit CostPri qtyAdd qtyPri £Add £
1. Treatment100%Clinical Resource..Doctor / N7 / N8minute£ 1.2566£ 7.5£ 7.5
  ConsumablesApronitem£ 0.0911£ 0.09£ 0.09
  ConsumablesContaineritem£ 0.6711£ 0.67£ 0.67
  ConsumablesGlovespair£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  ConsumablesUrine dipsample£ 0.2211£ 0.22£ 0.22
  DrugsAzithromycin (500 mg)3 tab pack££ 0.09£ 0.09
  DrugsDoxycycline (100mg capsules)8 capsule pack£ 1.051.591.59£ 1.67£ 1.67
  DrugsOfloxacin (200mg)10 tablet pack£ 8.8100£ 0.03£ 0.03
2. Partner notification100%Clinical Resource..Blend Health Advisorminute£ 0.8663£ 5.18£ 2.59
  ConsumablesMale Condomitem£ 0.061010£ 0.57£ 0.57
  ConsumablesPN slipitem£ 0.0633£ 0.18£ 0.18

NGU/NSU treatment





# Pathway Analytics 2017-02-17 14:38
Change Doctor/N7/N8 to Doctor/N6/N7
Change Azithromycin to Doxycycline 100mg x 2 7
Add in register meet and greet, examination etc

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