Primary Tariff Rate: £105.14
Additional Tariff Rate: £97.07

Pathway Detail

StepFactorType ResourceUoMUnit CostPri qtyAdd qtyPri £Add £
1. Meet & Greet/registration 100%Clinical Resource..Blend Admin / Clerical.minute£ 0.495 £ 2.47 £ 0.00
2. Examinations & Tests100%Clinical Resource..Doctor / N7 / N8minute£ 1.251010£ 12.5£ 12.5
  ConsumablesCulture plateitem£ 1.0422£ 2.07£ 2.07
  ConsumablesCulture swab- GCitem£ 1.0422£ 2.07£ 2.07
  ConsumablesGlovespair£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  ConsumablesKY Lubricantapplication£ 0.3011£ 0.3£ 0.3
  ConsumablesNeedleitem£ 0.140.960.96£ 0.13£ 0.13
  ConsumablesSpeculumitem£ 0.8211£ 0.82£ 0.82
  ConsumablesSwabitem£ 0.1122£ 0.21£ 0.21
  ConsumablesSyringe 10ml Luer Slip Syringeitem£ 0.090.960.96£ 0.09£ 0.09
3. Treatment100%Clinical Resource..Nurse 5/6/7/8minute£ 0.602020£ 12.09£ 12.09
  ConsumablesLidocaine hydrochloride 1% 2mlInjection£ 0.2511£ 0.25£ 0.25
  DrugsAzithromycin (500 mg)3 tab pack££ 0.07£ 0.07
  DrugsCeftriaxone (1g vial)1-g vial£ 3.620.90.9£ 3.26£ 3.26
  DrugsCiprofloxacin (500mg)10 tablet pack££ 0.09£ 0.09
  DrugsGentamicin (80 mg) 5 tablet pack£ 6.880.020.02£ 0.12£ 0.12
4. Health Promotion/ Partner Notification100%Clinical Resource..Nurse 5/6/7/8minute£ 0.60105£ 6.04£ 3.02
  ConsumablesKY Lubricantapplication£ 0.3011£ 0.3£ 0.3
  ConsumablesLiterature (STI)item£ 0.6411£ 0.64£ 0.64
  ConsumablesMale Condomitem£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  ConsumablesPN slipitem£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
5. Pathology100%PathologyGC culture/ typing - lab processingsample£ 7.5522£ 15.1£ 15.1
6. Supported PN20%Clinical Resource..Blend Health Advisorminute£ 0.863015£ 5.18£ 2.59
7. Meet & Greet/registration 100%Clinical Resource..Blend Admin / Clerical.minute£ 0.4955£ 2.47£ 2.47
8. Tests100%Clinical Resource..Nurse 5/6/7/8minute£ 0.601010£ 6.04£ 6.04
  ConsumablesCulture plateitem££ 0.21£ 0.21
  ConsumablesCulture swab- GCitem££ 0.21£ 0.21
  ConsumablesGlovespair££ 0.01£ 0.01
  ConsumablesKY Lubricantapplication£ 0.300.10.1£ 0.03£ 0.03
  ConsumablesSpeculumitem£ 0.820.10.1£ 0.08£ 0.08
  ConsumablesSwabitem££ 0.01£ 0.01
9. Pathology100%PathologyGC culture/ typing - lab processingsample£ 7.550.50.5£ 3.78£ 3.78
  PathologyGC NAATsample£ 12.0022£ 24£ 24
10. Results Management100%Clinical Resource..Blend Health Advisorminute£ 0.8655£ 4.32£ 4.32

Management of GC (Recalled NAAT Positive)





# Pathway Analytics 2017-02-15 16:18
Add in step 2:
Syringe 10ml Luer Slip Syringe
Needle x2
Lidocaine hydrochloride 1% 2ml x2 (3.5ml in total)
Swab etc
Sharps box
A proportion, 70%, would take a sample from three sites (70% are MSM) the remainder would have only a single sample.
# Pathway Analytics 2017-05-12 17:50
Include PNG as a trigger for STI Int B
Partner notification - Gonorrhoea and this includes the presentation and epidemiological treatment of partners of index cases

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