Primary Tariff Rate: £48.97
Additional Tariff Rate: £34.06

Pathway Detail

StepFactorType ResourceUoMUnit CostPri qtyAdd qtyPri £Add £
1. Register M&G100%Clinical Resource..Blend Admin / Clerical.minute£ 0.495 £ 2.47 £ 0.00
2. Review100%Clinical Resource..Blend All - A blend of Community SRH staff (N2 to Doctor)minute£ 0.92103.3£ 9.21£ 3.04
3. Issue drugs/ consumables100%Clinical Resource..Blend All - A blend of Community SRH staff (N2 to Doctor)minute£ 0.9266£ 5.53£ 5.53
  ConsumablesKY Lubricantapplication£ 0.3022£ 0.6£ 0.6
  DrugsFemale Condomitem£ 2.071212£ 24.89£ 24.89
4. Health Promotion / Q&A100%Clinical Resource..Blend All - A blend of Community SRH staff (N2 to Doctor)minute£ 0.926 £ 5.53 £ 0.00
  ConsumablesFPA Leafletitem£ 0.061 £ 0.06 £ 0.00
  ConsumablesMale Condomitem£ 0.0612 £ 0.69 £ 0.00

Female Condom




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