Primary Tariff Rate: £14.13
Additional Tariff Rate: £14.13

Pathway Detail

StepFactorType ResourceUoMUnit CostPri qtyAdd qtyPri £Add £
1. Microscopy100%Clinical Resource..Band 5minute£ 0.611010£ 6.12£ 6.12
  ConsumablesBlotting paperitem£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  ConsumablesGlovespair£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  ConsumablesGram Stainprocedure£ 0.2111£ 0.21£ 0.21
  ConsumablesImmersion oilsample£ 0.0211£ 0.02£ 0.02
  ConsumablesLoopsitem£ 0.0511£ 0.05£ 0.05
  ConsumablesMicroscope slide (qty 1)item£ 0.0611£ 0.06£ 0.06
  PathologyGC culture/ typing - lab processingsample£ 7.5511£ 7.55£ 7.55

TS Microscopy undertaken

Previous comments:

Jason Flannigan 2012-01-03 13:42
Wet Drop - Can we claim this cost if we undertake a wet drop only to look for TV?


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